March 9, 2012

Chick Days

It's fun to go to Tractor Supply Company during Chick Days.They will have chicks and chick supplies until mid April.It's fun to look at the chicks but sometimes it's even more fun to watch children looking at the baby chicks. There was a wide eyed little gal there the day I took these pictures. She was mesmerized. Her dad couldn't pull her away, even with bribes of ice cream.They often have promotions, like a free waterer if you buy some chicks. I once bought a dozen chicks at one of these promotions.

I ended up with a free waterer, one hen, and 11 roosters. I won't go into detail about what happened to the 11 roosters, but the hen had to make friends with the old flock. They say that can't be done, but she did it. Her experience growing up with 11 roosters probably helped her figure out how to get along in the world.
Since then I've stuck with a local hatchery that I like.

But I didn't leave Tractor Supply Company empty handed. I bought this:
It chirps when you press its belly and it was a big hit with a certain kitty I know.


Candy C. said...

Oh man, ELEVEN roosters!! At least you could stock up the freezer! ;-)
I wish we had a TSC around here...there are zero in the whole state of Arizona! :(

homegrown countrygirl said...

Candy C ~ What?! I didn't know... I thought that TSC was all over the US!

Anonymous said...

this is a fun time of year countrygirl. it's the little animals around the farm that make it such a magical place where even grown ups eyes are widend sometimes and we are just kids again ourselves.
thanks for your post

homegrown countrygirl said...

Anonymous ~ Isn't that the truth!!

MARARIA said...

ELEVEN ROOSTERS AND A HENNNNNNN?????jajajjaja. I like this post you made me laugh a lot.!!!

homegrown countrygirl said...

¡Hola MARARIA! You deserve a good laugh, you hard working chica!!!

Tractor Supply said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

homegrown countrygirl said...

Tractor Supply ~ Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy my blog!