December 22, 2011

Hello Wet Winter

Winter arrived at 12:30 in the morning, when all good countrygirls should have been sleeping (unless rain was knocking on the windows too loudly for sleep which was what happened to me).

I've complained about the rain a lot this year. But it turns out that my complaints are not unfounded as this has been a banner year for rain. The previous rainfall record has already been broken and more rain is on the way.I sloshed across the muddy yard just as the sky started to lighten this morning so I could snap some pictures of flooded fields. Hello wet winter!

I guess I should just be glad that all this precipitation isn't snow.But I hope Santa's sleigh can magically morph into a boat so he can get to all his destinations.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Candy C. said...

What a soggy mess! We have had a lot of rain too so far this winter. It has just barely dried out down at the barn and more is predicted for next week. I guess we shouldn't complain though seeing as how they had predicted a warmer and drier La Nina winter for us here! LOL!!

Merry Christmas and I hope Santa brings you some new mud boots!

homegrown countrygirl said...

Candy ~ Sounds like you need new mud boots, too! And I bet he'll bring you new boots if you leave some of those charming candies that you've been making by your Christmas tree!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful writer country girl. You can always capture what everyone else is thinking. Just tell Santa to put it in 4 wheel drive and rest asured he'll make it. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you

homegrown countrygirl said...

Annonymous ~ Thank you... and Merry Christmas to you, too.

MARARIA said...

dear homegrown countrygirl, I think Santa could get your John Deere to get everywhere!!.

we have no rain in Madrid yet, just sunny days and warm temperatures.hope it stays like that for long! (I can´t stand snow) I´m from the Canary Isles where everybody is sunbathing in the lovely beaches although it´s winter!!!
Marry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

hope you had a wonderful Christmas Country Girl! seems all i do is read your tasty posts over and over til i'm so hungry!!!!! please keep telling us how great country life can be. some of us have to live it through you.

Thank You