February 19, 2011

Driving to the Dentist on a Dreary Day

Temperatures warmed yesterday. The warmth didn't come from a bright happy sun. Instead it came in the form of gray clouds that loomed low and threatened rain all day. Dreary! But snow melted and all but disappeared which brought relief to many folks, including homegrown countrygirls.

I had an appointment at the dentist. Since it's been so long since I've seen the actual earth under all that snow I grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures from my car window while I drove to the dentist. It's never been so good to see dirt and grass (and mud)! I'll share the view with you...

The warm spring air must have done something to me. (Or maybe it was the Novocaine?) But when I got home I popped a few lettuce and spinach seeds into the ground. Hey, you never know... they could grow!


MARARIA said...

weather is getting warmer, I grew some seeds of albahaca, parsley and cilantro, and cloves of garlic. Hope they grow! where you live must be very very cold!
Love your photos, they are great and nice drive to the dentist!

homegrown countrygirl said...

Hi Mararia! I had to look up albahaca... and now I know what it is... basil! I am jealous that you can plant herbs already! The warm up here was nice while it lasted... now I'm covered in ice again!

MARARIA said...
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MARARIA said...

sorry I didn´t write it correctly. hope my herbs grow! here it´s getting colder too!it´s snowing hard in Spain.
we have a saying in Spain respect to cold weather something like this... don´t take your coat off till May the 40th (In spanish sounds different... Hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo)

Kym McNabney said...

Great pictures.